Press Release – April 7, 2022
For Immediate Release
OPAC Completes mission to iraq
OPAC Co-Founders return from first mission to the war-torn Middle East
(New York, NY) – The Orthodox Public Affairs Committee (OPAC) has concluded its first mission trip to the war-torn Middle East. Led by Pastor William Devlin, the renowned pastor and Founder of the non-profits Widows and Orphans and Redeem!, OPAC Co-Founders George Gigicos and Andrew Veniopoulos traveled to Iraq to witness first-hand the destruction and devastation caused by ISIS, Al-Qaeda and years of war.
Pastor Devlin stated, “I admire OPAC for their commitment to helping and supporting the Christian population of Iraq who have endured unspeakable atrocities. Having made over 15 trips to the region, this particular mission was the best and most productive, where we were able to spread the love of Jesus and see first-hand the destruction and the beginnings of the re-birth of the Christian population”.

At each location, OPAC was able to provide direct financial support from a generous gift provided by Robin and Michael Psaros. This support assisted OPAC in providing immediate assistance to Christian communities in each location. Michael Psaros stated, “The bravery of George and Andrew to venture so far from home and to such a conflicted place in the world for the purpose of assisting fellow Christians is something Robin and I wanted to support. We were pleased to provide assistance to the people of Iraq in need of medicine and food; and especially honored to assist in the re-building of ancient religious sites in the region”.

Andrew Veniopoulos, Co-Founder and Vice-Chairman of OPAC stated, “the main takeaway from this mission was that the destruction and persecution brought forth by ISIS onto the Christian population in Iraq is no different than Russia’s destruction and persecution of their brothers and sisters in Ukraine. The atrocities that both ISIS and Putin have brought forth are one and the same making Putin no different than ISIS”.

Gigicos added, “OPAC will always take a stand when it comes to the persecution of Christians and all people of conscience, whether it comes from external forces or sometimes, even from within.”
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