Press Release – March 7, 2022
For Immediate Release
OPAC Calls on patriarch kirill to condEmn russia’s war in ukraine STATEMENT
The Orthodox Public Affairs Committee (OPAC) calls for the immediate cessation of ground and aerial bombardment of Ukrainian civilians and communities — including houses, schools, hospitals, and churches by Putin’s military. The apparent use of such lethal weapons (vacuum and cluster bombs) highlights the barbarity and savagery of the onslaught on the free people of Ukraine.
Today, the Orthodox Christian Church around the globe commences Lent, the period of fasting, prayer and almsgiving that leads us to the Resurrection of Christ. We also call on Patriarch Kirill of Moscow to immediately condemn the bombardment of Ukraine with the same intensity that he and the Russian Church decried the bombing of Serbia by NATO forces during Great Lent and Holy Week in 1999.
May this season of repentance bring true repentance to the heart of Vladimir Putin and all who are waging this war of aggression. And may Patriarch Kirill find the courage and decency to find the light within himself, to speak truth to power, and call for the immediate cessation of all hostilities. Truth Lives in Light!
Contact: Info@OrthodoxPac.Org